Linking Employment, Abilities and Potential

Our Stories

Grit and Positivity Result in Long-Awaited Homecoming

Photo of Carolyn at her home

After a serious medical emergency resulted in the amputation of her fingers and toes, Carolyn Jones was forced to reside in a Northeast Ohio nursing home for about eight months. She was also without access to needed physical therapy, due to problems obtaining Medicaid. Because the nursing home also lacked adaptive communication tools, Carolyn had difficulty calling or emailing her Medicaid representative to resolve the problem and secure needed therapy services.

Thankfully, LEAP was able to help Carolyn. Working closely with Kelley, a LEAP Nursing Home Transition Coordinator, Carolyn developed a tactical plan to address immediate communication needs as well as achieve her long-term goal of moving back home. She was able to obtain the adaptive tools that enabled her to use the phone and computer while at the nursing home, and work in tandem with Kelley to understand and resolve challenges with her Medicaid application.

Upon Medicaid services reinstating, Carolyn quickly attacked her daily physical therapy sessions with a vivaciously positive attitude. Over a period of seven months, she worked towards the goal of regaining her personal independence and rejoining her husband in their home. While in therapy, Ohio’s HOME Choice program also provided her with new household furniture that was not only adapted to her needs, but was also stylish and comfortable for her husband, family and friends.

Today, Carolyn is at home enjoying time with family and friend while she plans to become a mentor to others who are on a similar journey. She is especially thrilled with her new couch, which gives her greater independence and allows her and her husband to sit together while watching T.V. Thanks to LEAP and Ohio Home Choice, this simple act of intimacy is something they have resumed after more than two long years apart.

Visit our Nursing Home Transition Services page to learn more or call 216.696.2716.

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Watch Carolyn's special thank you on our YouTube channel!