Linking Employment, Abilities and Potential


Recreational Programs for Adults with Development Disabilities

LEAP's recreation program plans activities to keep residents with disabilities, who are isolated in their homes, engaged.

We welcome volunteers to lead an activity, or a series of activities, such as art, music, dance, cooking, any activity that can be provided in person or online to a group for people with developmental disabilities.

Learn More about our Adult Adaptive Recreation Program, Quantum LEAP.

Interested in volunteering?

Please fill-out the information below. In the “comments” section, please tell us the best days and times for us to contact you. You can also use the comments section to tell us what interests you about the volunteer opportunity, any experience you may have, and any additional information you’d like to share.

Thank you for your interest in helping LEAP provide high-quality programs and services for people with disabilities so they can live, work, and play in the community of their choice.

We look forward to meeting you!