Every 10 years, the Unites States government is constitutionally mandated to count each person living in the United States. On September 30, 2020, the most recent census was completed.
In the National Disability Rights Network brief on why the Census matters to persons with disabilities, they indicate that the Census Bureau has identified people with disabilities as a hard-to-count population. "This equates to a greater risk of under-representation and therefore a loss of their share of political representation and federal funding."
LEAP understands how the 2020 Census has a tremendous impact on our community and a complete and accurate count is important for people with disabilities.
The census data helps direct funding for key programs such as Medicaid, Centers for Independent Living, SNAP and issues like employment, education, and housing.
Ohio losses $1,814 for every person NOT counted. That loss can impact program and services. It can affect Ohio’s federal funding of over $21 billion.
The Census also determines how congressional seats are reallocated to US states and where boundaries of legislative, school and voting precincts are drawn.
It is used to plan for hospitals, nursing homes, and infrastructure.
Essentially, the census decides the level of need for community services.
It does not include a question about citizenship, it does not ask for your Social Security number.
It is accessible, safe and important.
We are excited to encourage equitable civic engagement! We hope everyone participates in the census to ensure an accurate and complete count.