Linking Employment, Abilities and Potential


Quantum LEAP's Pen Pal Program

Wednesday, October 7th through Wednesday, October 14th, 2020

When: 4:00pm - 4:05pm

Do you like sending and receiving snail mail? Are you interested in forming new friendships within the Quantum LEAP community? If so, sign up to participate in Quantum LEAP’s new Pen Pal Program!

Interpersonal skills and communication are a key element of healthy and productive relationships with peers, co-workers, and employers. Friendships and interpersonal social connections are crucial to one’s wellbeing. The goal for the Quantum Leap Pen Pal Program is to allow participants to hone their communication skills and to facilitate an opportunity for participants to develop and maintain interpersonal relationships in the Quantum LEAP community in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Register by selecting your preferred type of pen pal correspondence (see Pen Pal Types below), you will be matched with a pen pal who has also selected this correspondence type. At the beginning of each week, prompts will be sent out for each correspondence type. Note: each week of the Pen Pal Program will have a fun new theme. Pen Pal letters should be mailed to the LEAP office by Wednesday. From there, letters will be distributed to the appropriate recipients.

Pen Pal Correspondence Types

Please select your preferred type of pen pal correspondence.

1: Picture Exchange

2: Single Word Answer Letter Exchange

3: Open-Ended Response Letter Exchange

Note: this may be a good level for consumers who have a support person willing to help them read and write their letters.

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