Linking Employment, Abilities and Potential


2020: Year in Review

Posted on 01/08/21 in General

[image:1] Defined by a global public health crisis that continues to profoundly impact the disability community, it’s no surprise so many were glad to bid farewell to 2020. LEAP begins the new year with a renewed sense... read more

LEAP helps 20 consumers achieve individualized employment goals during pandemic

Posted on 10/29/20 in General

LEAP is excited to highlight the sustained success of our dedicated and talented consumer employment team as a capstone to our celebration of National Disability Awareness Month this October. Since COVID-19 was first identified in... read more

Celebrating 30 Years of the Americans with Disabilities Act

Posted on 07/31/20 in General

[image:1] The Americans with Disabilities Act, which prohibits discrimination and guarantees people with disabilities equal access in employment (title I); state and local government services, including transportation (title II); public accommodations and commercial facilities (title III);... read more

Our Top Priority continues to be the Health & Safety of Our Consumers, Participants, and Stakeholders

Posted on 05/22/20 in General

[image:1] To our consumer, participants and stakeholders, As Ohio begins to open up from the COVID-19 (coronavirus) lock-downs, we wanted to let you know that we are continuing to provide our services; but, in a manner to... read more

How does the Economic Impact Payment Affect My Benefits?

Posted on 04/24/20 in General

[image:1] Part of the CARES Act includes a one-time Economic Impact Payment (referred to as stimulus payment below). Although it is a great help during this uncertain time, we have seen concerns on how it may... read more